Simon Richardson

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Juju is an open source application modeling tool. Juju focuses on reducing the operation overhead of today's software by facilitating quickly deploying, configuring, scaling, integrating, and performing operational tasks on a wide choice of public and private cloud services along with bare metal servers and local container based deployments.

  • Repository: juju
  • Tenure: April 2018 - Present
  • Position: Software Engineer
  • Language: Go

Convoy reimagines continuous integration (CI) tooling, by delivering new insights when testing code. Built on a distributed database for commodity hardware whilst not sacrificing performance and security in enterprise settings.

  • Repository: convoy
  • Tenor: January 2020 - Present
  • Co-Founder & Software Engineer
  • Language: Go

Development of ongoing libraries to help solve problems within distributed systems, including task management, publish and subscribe (pubsub) and clustered databases.

  • Repository: spoke-d
  • Tenure: Present
  • Position: Software Engineer
  • Language: Go
fantasy land

Design and implementation of libraries that integrate with a specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in Javascript, with the aim of bringing a focus of functional programming to Javascript developers.

  • Repository: fantasy land
  • Position: Software Engineer
  • Language: Javascript

Snowy is a append only ledger for document contents, that allow you to associate tags to a piece of content that can be queryable from the rest end point. The snowy application is split into two distinct parts, the ledger and the associated content for that ledger entry.

Modification of ledgers and contents is not possible, instead new entities are required to be inserted in an append only fashion, where a full revision and audit trail can be viewed for each ledger.

  • Repository: snowy
  • Position: Software Engineer
  • Language: Go

Coherence is a limited Key/Value store, that aims to provide high availability, with eventual consistency. The limited aspect of the store is provided by a LRU so that it can provide a windowed data set, that from the outset guarantees to fit into smaller confined spaces.

  • Repository: coherence
  • Position: Software Engineer
  • Language: Go


Series of incoherent articles and thought diatribes, that may have some relevance to you...?

Temporal Changes (February 2021)

Prior to my thinking now, I use to believe that you should aim to make everything a library of sorts. I still believe that at some level, because it's better to spread the wealth and get others to help in the same cause. The one caveat to this is that; if you're changing a library based on temporal changes and then re-importing them to reflect the changes internally. You should internalize that library.

That library is your business logic or helps derive it and your application domain should reflect that.

Dependant Unit Tests (February 2021)

In my day to day job at Juju, I daily have to interact with tests that portray themselves as unit tests but masquerade as tests that integrate with the whole stack from them down to the lowest levels. One ongoing challenge is rewriting these tests to only test at their level with mocks. Then write additional integration tests to ensure that we aren't just making tautological tests for the sake of it and that they are indeed working as we expect.

Unit tests come in various forms of isolation; either using mocks, stubs, doubles to help test your code in different ways when using dependencies. Then there are tests that are pure from any dependencies, these are also called unit tests, yet we don't classify those tests directly. So I've been tending to call unit tests without dependencies just plain old unit tests and tests that require dependencies; mocks, double et al - "dependant unit tests".

Pushing your side-effecting code out to the edges of your applications should ensure that your code can talk just about business logic without having to deal with IO. Leading to better composability of modeling concerns. When code IO and business logic are interleaved in the same location, I find complexity rises and abstractions skyrocket and that's never a good sign.

Trim the fat (February 2021)

I'm often thinking about the article The wrong abstraction by Sandi Metz. I believe that this analogy can also be used for application features. What was the right abstraction at solving your applications domain problem, might in-fact years down the line be the wrong abstraction. Either allowing the code within the application to be present but forgotten or attempting to constantly bring the code up to speed are both something that I've witnessed.

I believe both are wrong, dead and forgotten code should be removed with haste. It becomes an unnecessary burden for engineers of the application to factor in the code when any modificatidons to the codebase is performed. Removing it might be a struggle at first, but in the end will free the application and engineers to move on to the current focus.

The sunk cost fallacy for constantly bringing a feature within the application; one that is hardly or never used, not only is a burden for engineers, but at great cost to the business. The abstraction of the domain it was trying to solve is dead or dying and would do your business justice to trim the fat...

Tooling (draft) (December 2019)

I'm always surprised by the lack of tooling I find within software projects. Let me clarify what I mean by tooling; anything that you could or should automate, to make interaction with your project(s) simpler. I'm personally always creating tooling, maybe to automate a yaml file or to parse some output and display it in a more efficient manor.

I find that these sorts of tools improve your productivity, I generally don't spent vast amounts of time on them, normally time boxed to 1-2 hours. If they start to take more time, I like to think there is a missing gap in the software I'm writing. If I want to do something with the software I can guarantee somebody else also wants to and so should at least understand the problem. That doesn't mean you should fix the problem, but you can at least identify it's short comings.

In order to get buy in from others, share them, promote your productivity and you never know, others can help your productivity.

Consistency (December 2019)

This is a short article about why I believe consistency is paramount. In fact I believe consistency is so valuable to a team, that the lack of it can cause a lack of coherency and can slow the velocity of projects to a snails pace.

We as programmers are creatures of habbit, if something looks the same, we can reason about it at a much faster cadence (similar to speed reading if the words don't move. I write a lot of go in my job and you can tell when someone doesn't use gofmt, it makes something harder to read. It feels like something is ever so slightly off. It may only be a slight change, but for me, it affects how I can reason about that code as now I've trying to read more about the words, rather than about the code. Similar tools to gofmt have obviously helped other languages as well, as cross pollination of the same idea has occurred.

The key to this is that all the source code in a project should be consistently formatted, you can't have a few files formatted and not others. It's the same with naming, keeping names similar or following a guide to naming helps. I can see how Java enterprise ended up with `FactoryFactoryFactoryBean`, unfortunately nobody took a step back and tried to see if it was sensible to do that. Consistency is paramount, but not for the sake of lunacy!

The same goes for code in general. I'd go one step further and say if your code is bad, you should keep it bad _unless_ you communicate with others how to make it better or you should be consistent with your communication, code comments, documentation, so that others can follow by your example and make the consistently better.

Reading the code and understanding the code you're changing is as important to the code you're about to add. People often just make the changes and don't reason about how the changes look or if it's consistent with it's surroundings.

If people have an approach to getting better code through consistency then they're not spending time wondering which approach is the right one.

Dependencies (November 2019)
These are my dependencies. There are many like them but these ones are mine. My dependencies are my best friends. It is my life. I must master them as I must master my life. Without me, my dependencies are useless. Without my dependencies I am useless.

In my last post I hinted at correctly modelling dependencies for code, so for those that didn't read that, I'm mainly talking about what your instance depends on, not what your application depends on. I'm sure I can wax lyrical about that as well.

Modelling software is probably the hardest thing to get right, what levels should types be abstracted at and when and where encapsulation should happen. Most of the time, it's trial and error, you make a guess at it and you estimate what the right levels are and I bet for the immediate future that's a safe bet! The problem with the modelling is that it doesn't always pay off medium to long term. For software that is short lived (is there any, really?) this might not be a problem, but for software that isn't, then constantly refactoring as you go is not a bad approach.

Modelling your dependencies correctly and by that I mean, ensure your understand what your inputs and outputs are for a given procedure helps no end. The aim I proclaim should be to model your procedure to not directly interact with types that have side effects. This sounds incredibly wishy-washy and very functional in nature, but it gives us some very interesting fallout properties. If I know a procedure can't have any direct side effects without interacting with the inputs or outputs then I can test and reason about the code. We constrain what the procedure can do and we liberate ourselves from complexities of reasoning.

This very contrived example shows that our Foo.Run method doesn't do anything special and we can easily reason about how the method works. Our interfaces are small and we understand what they can do and how and the Run method is easy to reason about, it takes the URL and passes it Do. Nothing special, but that's the point! Looking at code that is special means there is ambiguity and therefore can be harder to understand and that's when maintaining the code because much more difficult.

Unit tests for this code can easily created and 100% coverage can be acquired.

Inversion of Use (November 2019)

In the last 2 years working a Canonical on the Juju project, I've started formulate concrete ideas about how to program systems at large in go. Your mileage may vary when I come to discuss my ideas about go, but it has helped me reason about one of the largest open source go projects there is.

One gripe I've got about a lot of projects is the use of interfaces and how they become an abstraction leakage and in the longer term, hinder how you reason about your code. I believe that most interfaces that are imported from another package are just plain wrong! Interfaces should be a point of use (consuming side) and structs (offering side) should be the only reasonable thing exported from your package.

It shouldn't be about what you implement, it should be the inverse. The interface should describe the dependency required to run or instantiate. The inversion of use is especially hard to grasp, when you've come from an OOP language like C# or Java, where you tell everybody upfront about what you're going to align to. The problem with this model is that it can be fragile. If the interface changes, it's on you to update your implementation to align to that interface. Using a point of use interface means that you're not susceptible to that problem directly, although you will once you try and use the dependency. You could tackle this issue in two ways, by fixing the interface to be in lockstep with your dependency or you create an intermediary that adapts the dependency into your point of use interface. The point here is that there is a flexibility given and more options to choose from, than being in an immovable condition. You either implement the new interface or you don't.

Correctly modelling your dependencies is the heart of what go interfaces are about. Having large interfaces that aren't used fully by a package breaks the interface segregation principle. Go code should be easy to read and I will state, reason about. Having additional dependencies that aren't used prevents that from being easy and makes it harder to reason about what's in use.

Modeling a package dependencies carefully has its difficulties! Do you take the methods you want to depend on in a wholesale way, or do you insert an indirection layer; so you can control what you want to take as a dependency. I have a strong believe that the latter is almost always what you want when your dependencies aren't under your control. Although it requires more work, as you have to correctly understand what you as a package need to make it work, the dependency doesn't necessarily have to be 1-1 match. Akin to the Adapter Pattern, the new wrapper can marshal in and out the correct input or output for the new dependency. This makes your package more robust to change from your external dependencies.

Smaller interfaces allows you to provide smaller implementations. This is the key take away! It is much easier to implement an interface if it's small, having an endless list of methods becomes a tiresome, replication of those methods becomes more difficult and in the end shortcuts are taken to ease integration. Smaller interfaces also allow the ease of use when it comes to testing, it's easy to create mock files for these interfaces and concrete implementations can be found for these interfaces.

Consider io.Reader or io.Writer from the std library, each one is easy to satisfy and it's even possible to massage an implementation into the latter interfaces, by the way they're designed.

I should be allowed to move a package from one project to another (substitution principle), without having to sort out a set of dependencies that aren't just interfaces.

All this sounds wonderful, but there are rough edges to this and they come up surprisingly a lot when modelling software like this. The proliferation of shims and how to deal with interface arguments for functions. The former is something I see a lot of when coding go, it's something I'm guilty of a lot. The problem I believe stems from the lack of modelling deeply nested properties. The reason you need a shim is because you generally want to align your code to an interface, but it can't align because of a return type that is the wrong covariance. If we follow the idea that functions and methods from a package return concrete types (structs, scalas, etc) and you consume interfaces, then this gets you halfway. The other half is that you end up exposing a nested structure that should be correctly modelled to be less nested. Shims are a code smell and a anti-pattern that you're trying to do too much with a type that either needs composing into something more concrete or encapsulated into a type that is more sound architecturally. The latter also helps solves that shim problem of interface arguments for functions, as you can correctly encapsulate it in another function or type that can correctly model the argument it takes from inside the package.

Modelling software is hard, but leaking out interfaces means it's harder to change the consuming side of the interface. Software changes all the time, why make it any harder!

A story about gossip members & a consistent hash-ring (June 2018)

In what seems like a life time ago, I was tasked with load testing a series of application clusters to understand the characteristics of the clusters with certain load profiles. Identifying what happens with each load profile in a deterministic way, so that we can repeat them when new changes or releases of software land. This sounds like a relatively easy challenge, especially from the outside; instead I'm left longing for a better understanding of some scenarios, so that I can reason about potential problems in the future.

At the heart of the cluster is a internal gossip members list, when any new core service comes online it gossips to other gossip services. Each gossip member internally tracks what it thinks is the state of affairs, so who has joined, left or leaving. This slightly over simplifies the actual interaction, but it's enough to describe the journey.

Sitting in front of the gossip members list is a hash-ring, or specifically a consistent hash-ring. The basic premise behind a consistent hash-ring in this usage, is the ability to be able to query the ring with a key (the key in this sense can be anything as long as we can hash it; URL, asset name or a username) and return a member from the members list. The member that is returned is the same member if the same key is supplied to the ring again. Each member is also replicated multiple times when added to the ring, to give better distribution around the ring.

The ring should be able to tolerate the additions of members to the gossip members list, as long as the underlying members don't diverge too much. Understanding what is too much depends on the size of the ring and the replication factors. Deletion of members should then attempt to evenly distribute the results across the ring, so that hot spots shouldn't occur on the ring. All the while stabilising to become eventually consistent between each internal member and by that I mean, if there was no additions or deletions over time, the state (checksum) of the ring should be identical between members. Without ring stabilisation, each member will have a different view of the members list (we assume some sort of sorting has happened to prevent inconsistencies) and therefore will be inconsistent when a query against the ring with a key is performed.

Inconsistencies in the ring after changes to the members list doesn't matter in the immediate future, because items stored in each member are relatively short lived and also re-routing happens if nothing is found. As long as more consistent results converge over time becoming eventually consistent the better. Re-routing can be an expensive exercise, especially if the re-routing requires going cross region.

So when might a ring become unstable, it's best to describe what we mean by ring instability. Given a time X, what is the state of the ring, then given time Y what is the state of the ring at Y and as long as X and Y haven't become unreasonable that comparing stability is nonsensical.

Any change to the members list will cause ring instability. Given that this is likely to happen, each member also gossips other information between each node. Information might include their own ring state, latency between members and what sort of load or data is on each. Building better heuristics of members with in the list and hopefully allowing the members ring to converge a little bit faster.

Some of the load profiling tests where to see how well the clusters can scale (up and down). The question we wanted to ask ourselves was; given a series of load profiles what happens to both the members list and the hash-ring state? Additionally do they converge over time and how long did that take?

Starting simply from adding one additional node to a single cluster with 10 nodes; each node had 5 services on each and each service registering with the members list. The test ran successfully, adding the members in a timely fast manor giving us a good convergence rate. Deletion of that node was even better, as members un-registering themselves also notify the rest of the members that it's going offline gracefully and should no longer be queried. If any information about that node is gathered from the members list other than deletion, we can assume is stale information and can be safely ignored. Clean exiting is our best use case, it's simple and causes convergence of ring state to become consistent in a short time frame.

Repeating that setup multiple times showed that given a low traffic ambient environment, addition and deletion of singular nodes is deterministic and can be even consistently timed for completion.

What became somewhat surprising when repeating the exercise, with more load the time to stabilise was harder to determine. The load in question wasn't heavy and nothing matching peek observed load, but was a nice consistent flat 100MBps after an initial ramp up. Previously the ambient load tests showed that we could approximate when a ring would become stable, but this wasn't so with the new tests. Although we could put an upper bound on this, sometimes the addition of a member would take almost twice as long. Deletion wasn't hit as badly, but nether the less, it wasn't as deterministic. There was no way to judge when the ring would be stable, only to stay it became stable with X time frame.

Instead of stopping with what we had, we wanted to see what would happen if we ramped up the cluster, going multi-region and utilising 100 nodes, each with 5 services on them and adding 50 more nodes. How fast can we add the nodes and how long did they become stable. From our previous tests we knew the fastest time we would expect this to happen, so we weren't expecting less than that.

Not surprisingly it was almost impossible to stabilise with this many nodes. The time to add nodes just caused new a cyclic regurgitation of never ending ring changes. Stabilisation sometimes happened, but most often it didn't. In fact we left a ring to attempt to stabilise over an hour (we went for lunch) and when we got back, it was still churning a way.

There was something inherently wrong with the system! The design of the system took into account what it's own view of the world looked like, but also the view of others. Other participants ring state would be broadcast to other ring members (not via gossip) to allow a comparison check to happen. The whole aim of this secondary setup was to be able to check for a couple of things; split brains or network partitions and if a node is unreachable from another node, yet was available from else where in the ring.

All this trafficking of ring state between nodes just created too much load for each node to handle. The exponential communication would cause nodes to be come unavailable whilst it tried to handle the burst of traffic and in turn was unreachable from other nodes. So you end up with a flickering of nodes on and off, becoming available to the ring one second and then unavailable the next. With the end result that the hash ring can never stabilise.

There is a lot of ongoing work to remedy this, things that include reducing the number of broadcasts that one node can send and spacing the timings out between the sends. Additionally reduce the payload by sending a bloom filter or cuckoo filter to each node and use that for checking a node exists, instead of the original large JSON payload.

All aboard (June 2018)

Recently I have experienced a few interesting on boarding to companies, mainly because of new hiring and contracting experiences. As of late I have been thinking about what has been the best experiences when starting a new role? What are the best ways to bring someone on board and more importantly what are do-nots of on boarding someone when joining?

The one that bit me recently was joining a new company, they decided it was OK to send me a list of reading material and work before my start date. With the expectation that I had worked my way through most of it before I started! To me this was highly unconventional to put the onus on somebodies potential private time to do work for a company you’ve not even started for. I find it hard enough to find time to do other things; hobbies, family life and the day to day chores, never mind wrapping up or handing over in your current employment that may sometimes require extra work.

Yet I do concede the idea behind this is to get you up and running as quickly as possible. I’m just of the opinion this isn’t the best way to do it and that there are easier and clever ways to on board someone so they can be productive.

The fundamental idea is to attempt to get you as productive; one of the team, in the shortest amount of time. Overloading people from the outset sends the wrong signals; you’re in the frying pan, straight into the fire! There isn’t going to be let up, so get use to it! That’s just not the approach I want. It tells me that because there isn’t any initial settling in period, I’m expecting a possibility of burn out in the medium to long run. Anecdotally this generally what I’ve experienced in the past.

I think a better approach is to ease people in, let them learn the ropes. Fail fast whilst learning, but don’t criticize people if they do things wrong, instead show them a better approach/solution. Giving people time to explore solutions may bring a new insights to how you on board, but more likely it will highlight what you’re missing when on boarding.

Document as much new starter guidelines as possible, either by a few markdown documents, a wiki or even a spreadsheet. Take time out of the normal routine to explain some hard concepts, the architecture of a product, why was it build like so and the reasons behind it. The more context you can give the better they will understand the journey ahead.

A good touch is to send them an email for their first day that explains the best links to have a look around, where the best places are to hangout for discussions, chats and the like. If you give them pointers you put them in control rather than making people sign up on day one for everything, that can come later when they need to.

Don’t forget they’re the custodian of your product, give them the ability to go out and build upon what you have. Be proud of what you’ve built, don’t start off stating everything is a hack, or we did that because it was the easiest short cut available. You want people building your product to also be proud of the work they do and you don’t want to start off with; everything is bad, as that’s just the wrong mindset from the start.

Everything was done for a reason, timelines, releases, bug fixes — you name it! The important part is that they feel at home building and improving it and that’s the end goal.


Software Engineer, currently working at Canonical on the Juju Project, solving distributed application modelling.